1. 备份系统(FreeBSD6.3-release)

2. 使用FreeBSD6.2后系统自带的csup更新ports与src
#cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile /root/ — update ports
#cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile /root/ — update src

#vi /root/stable-supfile*default host=CHANGE_THIS.FreeBSD.org
(change to “cvsup.freebsd.org” or “cvsup.cn.freebsd.org”(in china))
(change to RELENG_7_0; if use -current,set “tag=.”; -stable use “RELENG_7_0”;
“RELENG_7” means use the newest of 7.x)

#csup -g -L 2 ports-supfile
#csup -g -L 2 stable-supfile

3.Read /usr/src/UPDATIG(after cvsup stable-supfile),it tells if there is need to update.

4.Delete old files,in /usr/obj
(If it is the first time to complie the base system, U need’t to do this.)

#cd /usr/obj
#chflags -R noschg *
#rm -rf *
If U have updated system before,or some errors hapenned, make clean some old files:
#cd /usr/src
#make cleardir
#make cleardir
You really have to do twice!!

5.Check /etc/make.conf
eg.If U have add some update site in it,clean or comment it.

6.Amend the kernel configuration file.
#cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf

7.Saving the Output.
#script /root/buildworld.out
(When finished all of the command, use:

8.Building new stable tree: (in /usr/src)
#make buildworld
(In /usr/obj thereis a new stable tree)

9.Build a new kernel
#make buildkernel (use default kernel file)
or    #make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL

10.Install new kernel
#make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL

11.Entering “singer user mode”
#boot -s         (When boot)
#fsck -p         (check the filesystem)
#mount -u /
#mount -a -t ufs
#swapon -a         (open swap)

NOTE:If your CMOS clock is set to local time and not to GMT,you may alse need to run the following command:
#adjkerntz -i

12.Install stable tree:
#mergemaster -p
#make installworld

13.Amending or updating the configuration file in /etc
#shudown -r now



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